Friday, 22 July 2011

The Story of Two Friends (Dhammapada 1 : 19-20)

I. Yamaka Vagga –Twin Verses

Verse 19:
Though he recites much the Sacred Texts (Tipitaka),
but is negligent and does not practise according to the Dhamma,
like a cowherd who counts the cattle of others,
he has no share in the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).

Verse 20:
Though he recites only a little of the Sacred Texts (Tipitaka),
but practises according to the Dhamma, eradicating passion, ill will and ignorance,
clearly comprehending the Dhamma,
with his mind freed from moral defilements and no longer clinging to this world
or to the next, he shares the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).

While residing at the Jetavana monastery, the Buddha uttered Verses (19) and (20) of this book, with reference to two bhikkhus who were friends.

Once there were two friends of noble family, two bhikkhus from Savatthi. One of them learned the Tipitaka and was very proficient in reciting and preaching the sacred texts. He taught five hundred bhikkhus and became the instructor of eighteen groups of bhikkhus. The other bhikkhu striving diligently and ardently in the course of Insight Meditation attained arahatship together with Analytical Insight.

On one occasion, when the second bhikkhu came to pay homage to the Buddha, at the Jetavana monastery, the two bhikkhus met. The master of the Tipitaka did not realize that the other had already become an arahat. He looked down on the other, thinking that this old bhikkhu knew very little of the sacred texts, not even one out of the five Nikayas or one out of the three Pitakas. So he thought of putting questions to the other, and thus embarrass him. The Buddha knew about his unkind intention and he also knew that as a result of giving trouble to such a noble disciple of his, the learned bhikkhu would be reborn in a lower world.

So, out of compassion, the Buddha visited the two bhikkhus to prevent the scholar from questioning the other bhikkhu. The Buddha himself did the questioning. He put questions on jhanas and maggas to the master of the Tipitaka; but he could not answer them because he had not practised what he had taught. The other bhikkhu, having practised the Dhamma and having attained arahatship, could answer all the questions. The Buddha praised the one who practised the Dhamma (i.e., a vipassaka), but not a single word of praise was spoken for the learned scholar (i.e., a ganthika).

The resident disciples could not understand why the Buddha had words of praise for the old bhikkhu and not for their learned teacher. So, the Buddha explained the matter to them. The scholar who knows a great deal but does not practise in accordance with the Dhamma is like a cowherd, who looks after the cows for wages, while the one who practises in accordance with the Dhamrna is like the owner who enjoys the five kinds of produce of the cows*. Thus, the scholar enjoys only the services rendered to him by his pupils but not the benefits of Magga-phala. The other bhikkhu, though he knows little and recites only a little of the sacred texts, having clearly comprehended the essence of the Dhamma and having practised diligently and strenuously, is an 'anudhammacari'**, who has eradicated passion, ill will and ignorance. His mind being totally freed from moral delilements and from all attachments to this world as well as to the next, he truly shares the benefits of Magga-phala.

Then the Buddha spoke in verse as follows:

"Bahum pi ce sahitaṃ bhāsamāno
na takkaro hoti naro pamatto
gopo va gāvo gaṇayaṃ paresaṃ
na bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti.

Appampi ce sahitaṃ bhāsamāno
dhammassa hoti anudhammacārī
rāgañ ca dosañ ca pahāya mohaṃ
sammappajāno suvimuttacitto
anupādiyāno idha vā huraṃ vā
sa bhāgavā sāmaññassa hoti."

Though he recites much the Sacred Texts (Tipitaka), but is negligent and does not practise according to the Dhamma, like a cowherd who counts the cattle of others, he has no share in the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).

Though he recites only a little of the Sacred Texts (Tipitaka), but practises according to the Dhamma, eradicating passion, ill will and ignorance, clearly comprehending the Dhamma, with his mind freed from moral defilements and no longer clinging to this world or to the next, he shares the benefits of the life of a bhikkhu (i.e., Magga-phala).

* Milk, cream, butter, butter-milk and ghee.

** Anudhammacari: one who practises in conformity with the Dhamma.

Notes :

It’s very true, however, I hope no one will use those verses to defend their own laziness to learn the text, nor use it to attack others. Because, at any rates, it is better to read the text even though we don’t apply in their life / practice it, rather than NOT reading as well as NOT practicing either. At least we have made the first steps towards the enlightenment by reading the text, but if we don’t read and don’t practice we will become further away from the Dharma.

Reading and learning the Dhamma is only the first step, one should then proceed to practise what has been learned. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step!
End of Chapter One: The Pairs (Yamakavagga)

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